4 Name Necklace

4 Name Necklace

Customized necklace now is becoming a new fashion among all ages especially among young people. Most people buy personalized necklaces as gifts because they are thoughtful, easy to order and very affordable while young people make their own name necklace to catch up the fashion and decorate themselves. 1 name or 2 name are the most common personalized necklaces but 4 name necklace is very rare, following are my personal collections.

4 Name Necklace--Kids’ Drawing Necklace

 4 Name Necklace

If you are looking for a gift for your friends who have 2 kids or you are the one who has two kids, this custom necklace is a must buy for you. There are hundreds of meaningful first times of every kid, the first time a kid draws a picture of his/her whole family is one of the most meaningful things. Parents will store it very carefully like other photo of their special moments, turn it into a necklace is a way to keep the picture last forever and you can also show your kids’ master piece to everyone you meet.

4 Name Necklace--4 Discs Engraved Necklace

 4 Name Necklace

You can inscribe names on this necklace randomly but I usually inscribe them by the order of every person’s age, the youngest one’s name on the smallest disc and the oldest one’s name on the biggest disc.

4 Name Necklace--Infinity Nameplate Necklace

 4 Name Necklace

We all hope that you can stay with your family or your best friends forever, these names on the infinity symbol represents this beautiful wish.

4 Name Necklace--Stars & Hearts Engraved Necklace

 4 Name Necklace

For girls, they may prefer this one, made with star and heart pendants, a very sweet necklace.

4 Name Necklace--Loop Engraved Necklace

 4 Name Necklace

This is the most elegant one, you can even wear it to high class party and you will find out that everyone looks at your necklace and talk with you.

4 Name Necklace--Four-leaf Clover Necklace

 4 Name Necklace

If you don’t want lots of letters on your necklace, this customized necklace will be a great option. Four-leaf clover also represents of luck, engrave the first initial of everyone’s name on the leaf makes it a very thoughtful necklace.

Shop Now: https://www.jewelrypersonalizer.com/

Read more: 
<Top5 3 Name Necklace>
<Design your own name necklace>
<Custom Necklace Maker -- Yafeini Personalized Jewelry>

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